Building the User Interface

In the previous stages we built a sensor application that is able to query the Tock kernel for the current temperature and a communication application that is able to send and receive UDP packets. We now will build a user interface so that you are able to request your desired temperature and avoid overheating or freezing!

Before starting to develop this app, please remove any existing apps from the board (including the sensor application and communication applications) using the following tockloader command:

$ tockloader erase-apps

We will first build a simple button interface to introduce Tock's concept of callbacks. We will then expand this to utilize an OLED screen to display the temperature readings and desired temperature setpoint.

CHECKPOINT: 06_screen

Let's begin this app like the others, with a copy of the starting checkpoint:

$ cp -r 06_screen my_screen
$ cd my_screen

Now that you're familiar with tock and libtock-c, our starter here is basically an empty application! Remember, if you get stuck at any point, we include checkpoints along the way.

Here we go!

Adding the button interface

tock and libtock-c embrace an asynchronous design. Thus far, we have been using the command syscalls the kernel exposes to userland. The tock kernel also allows user applications to register callbacks so that applications can be notified upon certain events. In practice, Tock userland apps often take the form:

 [Register callback for event]
    [Kernel invokes callback]
    [App continues execution]

Sometimes blocking an app with a synchronous function is useful. To accommodate this, libtock-c libraries are split into libtock (which is async) and libtock-sync. If you recall, we used a libtock-sync function to implement the delay when reading the temperature sensor earlier. Internally, the libtock-sync methods call the standard libtock async methods, but utilize the following pattern to provide the application with synchronous blocking behavior:

void yield_for(bool* cond) {
  while (!*cond) { // async callback will set `cond`

Another important consideration with callbacks is that the tock kernel will only execute a pending callback once the application has yielded. This means that the application developer should yield when waiting to receive a callback from the kernel.

Now that we understand a bit more what's happening under the hood, let's add our first callback!

libtock provides a wrapper to register a callback with the kernel that corresponds to button presses:

// Function signature for button press callbacks.
// - `arg1` (`returncode_t`): Returncode indicating status of button press.
// - `arg2` (`int`): Button index.
// - `arg3` (`bool`): True if pressed, false otherwise.
typedef void (*libtock_button_callback)(returncode_t, int, bool);

// Setup a callback when a button is pressed.
// ## Arguments
// - `button_num`: The index of the button.
// - `cb`: The function to be called when the button is pressed. Will be called
//   both when the button is pressed and when released.
returncode_t libtock_button_notify_on_press(int button_num, libtock_button_callback cb);

With this in mind, let's add a callback function to our screen app that prints to the console.

Add the following to main.c:

#include <libtock/interface/button.h>

static void button_callback(returncode_t ret,
                            int          btn_num,
                            bool         pressed) {
  if (ret != RETURNCODE_SUCCESS) return;

  if (pressed) {
    printf("Button %i pressed!\r\n", btn_num);

EXERCISE Register our above button_callback with the libtock_button_notify_on_press(...) method.

Hints (click to open)
  1. We must register callbacks for each of the four buttons.
  2. Did you remember to yield? The kernel will only execute an app's registered callback if the application has yielded.
  3. Does your main() return? We want this application to "run forever". Still confused? An infinite loop with `yield()` inside the body should do the trick :)

Let's build and flash this screen application to our board. Try pressing any of the 4 buttons on the nRF52840dk (not the reset button). If you have correctly implemented the callback, you should see:

tock$ reset
Initialization complete. Entering main loop
NRF52 HW INFO: Variant: AAF0, Part: N52840, Package: QI, Ram: K256, Flash: K1024
tock$ Button 0 pressed!

CHECKPOINT 07_screen_button

Adding the u8g2 Library

Tock is able to run arbitrary code in its userspace applications, including existing C libraries. For this stage in particular, we are interested in displaying information on a screen. Without a library to render text or symbols, this can be quite cumbersome. Instead, we will use the u8g2 library with libtock-c bindings.

To add this library to our application we add the following two lines to our application's Makefile, before the include:

STACK_SIZE  := 4096

We increase the size of the stack that is pre-allocated for the application, as libtock-c by default allocates a stack of 2 kB which is insufficient for u8g2. We then specify that our application depends on the u8g2 library, by adding the libtock-c/u8g2 directory to EXTERN_LIBS. This directory contains a wrapper that allows the u8g2 library to communicate with Tock's screen driver system calls and ensures that the library can be used from within our application.

Once this is done, we can add some initialization code to our screen application:

#include <u8g2.h>
#include <u8g2-tock.h>

// Global reference to the u8g2 context.
u8g2_t u8g2;

// Helper method to update and format u8g2 screen.
static void update_screen(void);

int main(void) {
  // Required initialization code:
  u8g2_SetFont(&u8g2, u8g2_font_profont12_tr);

  // Clear the screen:


When we now build and install this app, it should clear the screen. With this app installed, you may see repeated flickering when installing applications or resetting your board.

EXERCISE: Extend the above app to print a simple message on the screen.

You can use the u8g2_SetDrawColor(&u8g2, 1); method to draw in either the 0 or 1 color (i.e., foreground or background).

u8g2_DrawStr(&u8g2, $XCOORD, $YCOORD, $YOUR_STRING); can be used to print a string to the display.

Make sure you update the display contents with a final call to u8g2_SendBuffer(&u8g2);.

Well done! Now we can begin adding the desired text for our HVAC controller.

We want our screen to display 3 lines of text:

Set Point: {VALUE}

Global Set Point: {VALUE}

Measured Temp: {VALUE}

The set point is our desired temperature for the HVAC system. The global set point is the average of all motes' requested desired temperature. Finally, the measured temperature is the measure from the device's local temperature sensor.

For use with the later stages of our application, it will be helpful to have a function that performs the screen update. Add the following global variables and a function of the form to our screen main.c:

uint8_t global_temperature_setpoint = 0;
uint8_t local_temperature_setpoint  = 22;
uint8_t measured_temperature        = 0;

static void update_screen(void) {
  char temperature_set_point_str[35];
  char temperature_global_set_point_str[35];
  char temperature_current_measure_str[35];

  // TODO: Format output buffer; display text to screen.

EXERCISE Extend update_screen to display our desired 3 lines of text and the value of the respective global variable.

HINT sprintf(...) is useful for formatting our char array.

As always, build and flash the screen application. At this point, you should see three strings on your u8g2 screen. If you are struggling to display the three strings, this is a good time to ask for help or to utilize the checkpoint!

CHECKPOINT 08_screen_u8g2

Updating the Desired Local Temperature

We are now able to display text to our screen and to receive user input through the button presses. With these pieces, we can begin building our controller user interface! This interface will allow the user to input their desired temperature setpoint. The nRF52840dk has 4 user input buttons. These buttons are labeled 0-3 moving clockwise from the upper left button. We map the buttons as follows:

  • Button 0 => increase local setpoint (+1)
  • Button 1 => decrease local setpoint (-1)
  • Button 2 => reset local setpoint to 22 C

EXERCISE: Update the button_callback to update the local_temperature_setpoint for button presses—using the above button mapping. When implementing this setpoint logic, ensure that the maximum setpoint is 35 C and that the minimum setpoint is 0 C.

If we build and flash this application at this point, we will notice that the screen remains at the default values. This is because we need to call the update function when a button is pressed. How can we do this?

A simple (but naïve) approach is to change main() to update the screen within the main loop:

  for(;;) {

This will yield until the kernel fires a callback, at which point the u8g2 screen update function will be invoked. Although this works for our current example, take a second to think why this may cause issues as we expand our application.

You guessed it! Because this function will only yield until a callback is fired, any callback will cause our screen to be updated. This is somewhat inefficient. We instead desire the application to yield until a button press occurs. Do you remember something we discussed earlier that might fill this need? (hint, this was mentioned in the libtock-sync discussion).

Exactly! yield_for:

// n.b., this function is provided by libtock/tock.h
// You do not need to copy this function, just use the libtock-provided version.
// We repeat its definition here for conceptual understanding only.
void yield_for(bool* cond) {
  while (!*cond) {

This libtock-sync function will yield until our desired condition is met. Let's add this to our screen application. To do this, we will add a global bool variable

bool callback_event = false;


  1. Update the button callback to set the callback_event true
  2. Update our infinite loop to use yield_for(&callback_event).

As always, build and flash your screen application. You should now see that your displayed local setpoint temperature updates with button presses!

CHECKPOINT: 09_screen_final

This concludes the screen app module.

Continue on to put everything together with inter-process communication!