Public and Private Encryption Keys
TRD: 1
Working Group: Kernel
Type: Documentary
Status: Draft
Authors: Alistair Francis
Draft-Created: 11 Oct, 2021
Draft-Modified: 11 Oct, 2021
Draft-Version: 1
This document describes the Tock Public Private Key implementation. This documents the design process and final outcome. This focuses on the original RSA key support, but applies to all public/private keys.
1 Introduction
The goal of pub/priv keys in Tock is to allow the kernel and apps to use pub/priv crypto operations. It is expected that these are used before loading applications, to check signatures as well as by the kernel and/or apps during runtime.
The goal is to support 3 main use cases, for key storage:
- Keys stored on flash. The keys are stored at some address in read only flash and we want to "import" them and use them in the kernel.
- The app specifies a key. A userspace application obtains a key and passes it to the kernel to use for crypto operations
- We generate a key pair while running
2 Design Considerations
The design needs to integrate well with the rest of the Tock kernel and capsule design. As well as that we want to ensure
2.1 Low memory overhead
Pub/priv keys can be very large. For example a 4096-bit RSA key is 512 byes long. That means to store a pub/priv key pair in RAM we need at least 1024 bytes (1K) of memory, just for one key pair. That doesn't take into account potential post quantum algorithms that can have even larger keys.
Due to this the design should avoid copying keys into memory where not required. For example generating a new key pair will need to use memory, but reading existing keys from flash should avoid copying keys to memory.
2.2 Mutable and immutable buffers
As the implementation should support importing existing keys from flash or from userspace the design must allow for both mutable and immutable buffers.
3 Possible key structure implementations
Below is a list of possible implementations, as well as outcomes of that design. For consistency all designs below are for a 2048-bit RSA key/pair, but the designs could apply for any pub/priv operations
3.1 In memory buffers
Keys would be stored in a memory sturcture, similar to:
As mentioned in section 2.1 this requires large in memory buffers, even when using an existing key on flash. Due to that this method will not be used.
3.2 TakeCell buffers
In order to avoid storing the keys in memory, the design can instead use
. This way existing keys can pass in a buffer to the key, while
new keys can use a buffer created with static_init!()
For example, importing a key would look like this:
The problem with using TakeCell
is that then the buffer must be mutable.
This won't work with a read-only buffer stored in flash.
The design also can't use Cell
and immutable buffers instead, as then the
design doesn't work with mutable buffers, required for genearating keys or
interacting with userspace.
3.3 Mutable and Immutable buffers
Similar to above, this design uses interior mutability, but adds this enum
Then the key structure will look like
This is similar to 3.2, but allows either a mutable or immutable buffer.
For example to import a key the function would look like:
This allows the design to use either a mutable or immutable buffer and doesn't have a high memory overhead.
3.4 Read and Read/Write keys
Similar to 3.3 the other option is to have a read only key and a read/write key and move the enum a level higher.
For example
This has the advantage that it's more obvious if a key is mutable or immutable.
This has a large code duplication downside though. There will be two
implementations, one for RSA2048ReadOnlyKeys
and one for RSA2048ReadWriteKeys
that are almost identical.
On top of that there also will need to be two HILS, for example:
This has a complexity and code size downside compared to section 3.3, but can avoid confusion where a mutable buffer is required but not supplied.
4 Possible low level interface APIs
On top of the key structure implementation, there will also be a HIL that
hardware implementations inside chips
will implement.
This TRD is not trying to describe this API, so let's just assume this is one of the functions are part of that HIL:
This function takes the message
buffer and calculates the exponent from the
public or private key of type T
and stores it in result
The below sections describe why type T
should be.
4.1 Mutable and Immutable buffers
See section 3.3 for the enum MutImutBuffer
, which would be used like this:
In this case the underlying API will take a 'static
buffer that is either
mutable or immutable. This is wraped in the MutImutBuffer
enum. In this case
as well we specify a range of the buffer to be used.
This has the advantage that the hardware interfacing driver doesn't have to manage keys, instead it is just passed a buffer (wrapped in an emum). This is also similar to other Tock HILs.
The disadvantage is how to get the buffer before calling the above function.
This implementation requires that the above layer loose access to the buffer, with something like:
Which also requires a way to regain acceess to the buffer on the exponent()
This option also requires the MutImutBuffer
enum to work
4.2 Keys
The other option is to pass the entire key to the low level API, for example something like:
Using something like this in the HIL:
and an implementation similar to:
Then the final implementation can use map()
with this code:
This has the advantage that accessing information from keys is not distructive.
It does have the downside that hardware implementations in chips
needs to
understand the key values to access.
5 Final implementation
TODO once agreed apon
6 Author's Address
Alistair Francis