Userspace Readable Allow System Call

Working Group: Kernel
Type: Documentary
Status: Draft
Author: Alistair Francis
Draft-Created: June 17, 2021
Draft-Modified: Sep 8, 2021
Draft-Version: 2


This document describes the userspace readable allow system call application binary interface (ABI) between user space processes and the Tock kernel for 32-bit ARM Cortex-M and RISC-V RV32I platforms.

This is an extension on the allow calls specified in TRD 104.

1 Introduction

In normal use, userspace does not access a buffer that has been userspace readable with the kernel with a Read-Write Allow call. This reading restriction is because the contents of the buffer may be in an intermediate state and so not consistent with expected data models. Ensuring every system call driver maintains consistency in the presence of arbitrary userspace reads is too great a programming burden for an unintended use case.

However, there can be cases when it is necessary for userspace to be able to read a buffer without first revoking it from the kernel with a Read-Write Allow. These cases are situations when the cost of a Read-Write Allow system call is an unacceptable overhead for accessing the data.

Instead, capsules that support the userspace readable allow call can communicate with applications without buffers needing to be re-allowed. For example a capsule might want to report statistics to a userspace app. It could do this by letting the app perform a userspace readable allow call to allocate a buffer. Then the capsule can write statistics to the buffer and at any time the app can read the statistics from the buffer.

The userspace readable allow system call allows userspace to have read-only access a buffer that is writeable by the kernel.

2 System Call API

2.1 Userspace Readable Allow (Class ID: 7)

The userspace readable allow syscall follows the same expectations and requirements as described for the Read-Write syscall in TRD104 Section 4.4, with the exception that apps are explicitly allowed to read buffers that have been passed to the kernel.

The register arguments for Userspace Readable Allow system calls are as follows. The registers r0-r3 correspond to r0-r3 on CortexM and a0-a3 on RISC-V.

Driver numberr0
Buffer numberr1

The Tock kernel MUST check that the passed buffer is contained within the calling process's writeable address space. Every byte of a passed buffer must be readable and writeable by the process. Zero-length buffers may therefore have arbitrary addresses. If the passed buffer is not complete within the calling process's writeable address space, the kernel MUST return a failure result with an error code of INVALID. The buffer number specifies which buffer this is. A driver may support multiple allowed buffers.

The return variants for Userspace Readable Allow system calls are Failure with 2 u32 and Success with 2 u32. In both cases, Argument 0 contains an address and Argument 1 contains a length. When a driver implementing the Userspace Readable Allow system call returns a failure result, it MUST return the same address and length as those that were passed in the call. When a driver implementing the Userspace Readable Allow system call returns a success result, the returned address and length MUST be those that were passed in the previous call, unless this is the first call. On the first successful invocation of a particular Userspace Readable Allow system call, a driver implementation MUST return address 0 and size 0.

The syscall class ID is shown below:

Syscall ClassSyscall Class Number
Userspace Readable Allow7

The standard access model for userspace readable allowed buffers is that userspace can read from a buffer while the kernel can read or write. Synchronisation methods are required to ensure data consistency but are implementation specific.

Simultaneous accesses to a buffer from both userspace and the kernel can cause userspace to read inconsistent data if not implemented properly. For example a userspace app could read partially written data. This would result in obscure timing bugs that are hard to detect. Due to this each capsule using the userspace readable allow mechanism MUST document, in a Draft or Final Documentary TRD, how it ensures userspace always reads consistent data from a userspace readable buffer.

Finally, because a process conceptually relinquishes write access to a buffer when it makes a userspace readable allow call with it, a userspace API MUST NOT assume or rely on a process writing an allowed buffer. If userspace needs to write to a buffer held by the kernel, it MUST first regain access to it by calling the corresponding Userspace Readable Allow. A userspace API MAY allow a process to read an allowed buffer, but if it does, it must document a consistency mechanism.

One example approach to ensure that userspace reads of a data object are consistent is to use a monotonic counter. Every time the kernel writes the data object, it increments the counter. If userspace reads the counter, reads the data object, then reads the counter again to check that it has not changed, it can check that the object was not modified mid-read. If the counter changes, it restarts the read of the data object. This approach is simple, but does make reading the data object take variable time and is theoretically vulnerable to starvation.

An example of reading a monotonic counter from userspace would look like this:

  // Reference to the readable-allow'd buffer
  volatile uint32_t* ptr;

  do {
    // Read the current counter value
    counter = ptr[0];

    // Read in the data
    my_data0 = ptr[1];
    my_data1 = ptr[2];

    // Only exit the loop if counter and ptr[0] are the same
  } while (counter != ptr[0]);

where the counter is incremented on every context switch to userspace.

3 libtock-c Userspace Library Methods

3.1 Userspace Readable Allow

The userspace readable allow system call class is how a userspace process shares a buffer with the kernel that the kernel can read and write.

The userspace readable allow system call has this function prototype:

typedef struct {
  bool success;
  void* ptr;
  size_t size;
  tock_error_t error;
} userspace_readable_allow_return_t;

userspace_readable_allow_return_t allow_userspace_readable(uint32_t driver, uint32_t allow, volatile void* ptr, size_t size);

The success field indicates whether the call succeeded. If it failed, the error code is stored in error. If it succeeded, the value in error is undefined. ptr and size contain the pointer and size of the passed buffer.

The register arguments for Userspace Readable Allow system calls are as follows. The registers r0-r3 correspond to r0-r3 on CortexM and a0-a3 on RISC-V.

Driver numberr0
Buffer numberr1

4 Author's Address

Alistair Francis