Wireless Networking
We now set out to utilize Tock's network capabilities to connect our temperature controller to a central node.
Before starting to develop this app, please remove any existing apps from the board (including the sensor application from the prior step for now) using the following tockloader command:
$ tockloader erase-apps
IEEE 802.15.4
To facilitate wireless communication, Tock provides an IEEE 802.15.4 network stack. IEEE 802.15.4 (hence forth abbreviated 15.4) is a physical (PHY) and media access control (MAC) specification that is purpose-built for low-rate wireless personal area networks. As such, 15.4 is harmonious with Tock's use case as an embedded operating system for resource constrained devices.
Notable examples of popular wireless network technologies utilizing 15.4 include:
- Thread
- Zigbee
- ISA100.11a
Tock exposes 15.4 functionality to userspace through a series of command syscalls. Within the kernel, a 15.4 capsule and a 15.4 radio driver serve to virtualize radio resources across other kernel endpoints and applications. To provide platform agnostic 15.4 logic, Tock prescribes a 15.4 radio Hardware Interface Layer (HIL) that must be implemented for each 15.4 radio supported by Tock.
Thread networking is a low-power and low-latency wireless mesh networking protocol built using a 15.4, 6LoWPAN, and UDP network stack. Notably, each Thread node possess a globally addressable IPv6 address given Thread's adoption of 6LoWPAN (an IPv6 compression scheme). Although we will not exhaustively describe Thread here, we will provide a brief overview and pointers to more in-depth resources that further describe Thread.
Thread devices fit into two broadly generalized device types: routers and children. Routers often possess a non-constrained power supply (i.e., "plugged in") while children are often power constrained battery devices. Children form a star topology around their respective parent router while routers maintain a mesh network amongst routers. This division of responsibilities allows for the robustness and self-healing capabilities a mesh network provides while not being prohibitive to power constrained devices.
Further resources on Thread networking can be found here.
Tock and OpenThread
OpenThread is an open source implementation of the Thread standard. This implementation is the "de facto" Thread implementation.
For a given platform to support OpenThread, the platform must provide:
- IEEE 802.15.4 radio
- Random Number Generator
- Alarm
- Nonvolatile Storage
These functionalities are provided to OpenThread using OpenThread's platform abstraction layer (PAL) that a given platform implements as the "glue" between the OpenThread stack and the platform's hardware.
OpenThread is a popular network stack supported by other embedded platforms (e.g. Zephyr). Typically, the OpenThread PAL is exposed either directly to hardware or links directly to the kernel. Tock faces a unique design challenge in supporting OpenThread as the Tock kernel's threat model explicitly bans external dependencies.
Subsequently, Tock provides an OpenThread port that runs as an application. This
provides the added benefit that a bug in OpenThread will not cause the entire
system to crash and that a faulting OpenThread app can be recovered and
restarted by the Tock kernel without affecting other apps. The libtock-c
OpenThread port can be found in the libtock-c/libopenthread
directory for
further details. libopenthread
directly checks out the upstream
OpenThread repository and as such
possesses the entire set of OpenThread APIs.
At this point the tutorial assumes there is a separate, single nRF52840DK board running nearby that is acting as a Thread router and also providing a network endpoint that performs certain logic (such as averaging temperature setponts).
In a hosted tutorial setting this will already be set up for you. If you are working through the tutorial on your own, you will need to follow the router setup instructions before continuing if you have not already.
We now begin implementing an OpenThread app using libopenthread
. Because Tock
is able to run arbitrary code in userspace, we can make use of this existing
library and tie it into the Tock ecosystem. As such, this part of our
application works quite similar compared to other platforms.
For the purposes of this tutorial, we provide a hardcoded network key (commissioned joining would be a more secure authentication method). The major steps to join a Thread network include:
- Creating a dataset.
- Adding the network key,
, and channel to the dataset. - Committing the active dataset.
- Initializing the IP interface.
- Begin thread network attachment.
Each of these steps are accomplished using functions the OpenThread API exposes.
We provide a skeleton implementation in 03_openthread
that is missing the
logic needed to attach to the thread network. Your task is to add the needed
OpenThread API calls to attach your device to the thread network.
As before, begin by making a copy of the starting checkpoint to work from:
$ cp -r 03_openthread my_openthread
$ cd my_openthread
The provided starter code includes a helper method:
void setNetworkConfiguration(otInstance* aInstance)
. This method will
initialize the network configuration dataset to the correct values (this
completes steps 1, 2, and 3 above).
EXERCISE Initialize the network dataset.
Now that we have the network dataset initialized, we now must initialize the IP interface to have an IPv6 address assigned to our Thread node. The OpenThread library possess an API exposed as many functions. Two useful API functions include:
otIp6SetEnabled(otInstance* aInstance, bool aEnabled)
otThreadSetEnabled(otInstance* aInstance, bool aEnabled)
EXERCISE Initialize the IP interface.
To confirm that we have successfully initialized the IP interface, add the following helper method after your IP initialization:
Our Thread node is now fully configured and ready to attempt joining a network.
EXERCISE Start the Thread Network
After completing these changes, build and flash the updated openthread app
($ make install
Our skeleton registers a callback with OpenThread to notify upon state change.
Upon successfully implementing the above network attachment, flash the app,
launch tockloader listen
and reset the board using:
tock$ reset
If you have successfully implemented the thread network attachment, you will see:
tock$ [THREAD] Device IPv6 Addresses: fe80:0:0:0:b4ef:e680:d8ef:475e
[State Change] - Detached.
[State Change] - Child.
Successfully attached to Thread network as a child.
If you are unable to join the network, this is a good time to ask for help at a hosted tutorial event, or feel free to jump ahead to the checkpoint below.
CHECKPOINT: 04_openthread_attach
To send and receive UDP packets, we must also correctly configure UDP.
We must complete the following steps to setup UDP in the OpenThread library:
- Initialize UDP interface.
- Register a function as a receive callback.
- Implement a function to transmit.
For your convience, we provide helper methods to accomplish each of the aformentioned steps.
- Initialize UDP interface →
- Register a function as a receive callback →
- Implement a function to transmit →
Internally, our provided initUDP
function registers our receive callback
Add the following functions to the communication application's main.c
static otUdpSocket sUdpSocket;
void initUdp(otInstance* instance);
void handleUdpRecvTemperature(void* aContext, otMessage* aMessage,
const otMessageInfo* aMessageInfo);
void sendUdpTemperature(otInstance* aInstance, uint8_t temperature);
void handleUdpRecvTemperature(void* aContext, otMessage* aMessage,
const otMessageInfo* aMessageInfo) {
char buf[2];
const otIp6Address sender_addr = aMessageInfo->mPeerAddr;
otIp6AddressToString(&sender_addr, buf, sizeof(buf));
otMessageRead(aMessage, otMessageGetOffset(aMessage), buf, sizeof(buf) - 1);
printf("Received UDP Packet: %d\r\n", buf[0]);
void initUdp(otInstance* aInstance) {
otSockAddr listenSockAddr;
memset(&sUdpSocket, 0, sizeof(sUdpSocket));
memset(&listenSockAddr, 0, sizeof(listenSockAddr));
listenSockAddr.mPort = 1212;
otUdpOpen(aInstance, &sUdpSocket, handleUdpRecvTemperature, aInstance);
otUdpBind(aInstance, &sUdpSocket, &listenSockAddr, OT_NETIF_THREAD);
void sendUdpTemperature(otInstance* aInstance, uint8_t temperature) {
otError error = OT_ERROR_NONE;
otMessage* message;
otMessageInfo messageInfo;
otIp6Address destinationAddr;
memset(&messageInfo, 0, sizeof(messageInfo));
otIp6AddressFromString("ff02::02", &destinationAddr);
messageInfo.mPeerAddr = destinationAddr;
messageInfo.mPeerPort = 1212;
message = otUdpNewMessage(aInstance, NULL);
if (message == NULL) {
printf("Error creating udp message\n");
error = otMessageAppend(message, &temperature, 1);
if (error != OT_ERROR_NONE && message != NULL) {
printf("Error appending to udp message\n");
error = otUdpSend(aInstance, &sUdpSocket, message, &messageInfo);
if (error != OT_ERROR_NONE && message != NULL) {
printf("Error sending udp packet\n");
function to the Thread initialization that occurs withinmain()
We now have an initialized UDP interface. Now let's try to send a UDP packet to our router over the Thread interface. Importantly, we must only attempt to send a UDP packet after we have succesfully joined the Thread network.
EXERCISE Modify the
such that when our device attaches to the network and becomes a child, we send a UDP packet using:sendUdpTemperature(instance, 22)
The registered UDP receive callback is implemented to print received packets to the console. Our router is implemented to receive UDP packets and reply with a multicast of the global average temperature setpoint.
After completing these changes, build and flash the openthread application. In the tockloader console, you should see (upon reset):
tock$ [THREAD] Device IPv6 Addresses: fe80:0:0:0:b4ef:e680:d8ef:475e
[State Change] - Detached.
[State Change] - Child.
Successfully attached to Thread network as a child.
Congratulations! We now have a networked mote that is attached to our router and capable of sending and receiving UDP packets.
Next up, we will work to obtain user input (buttons) and implement the display.