Digest HIL

Working Group: Kernel
Type: Documentary
Status: Draft
Author: Alistair Francis, Philip Levis
Draft-Created: June 8, 2022
Draft-Modified: June 8, 2022
Draft-Version: 1
Draft-Discuss: tock-dev@googlegroups.com


This document describes the hardware independent layer interface (HIL) for hash functions. A digest is the output of a hash function. It describes the Rust traits and other definitions for this service as well as the reasoning behind them. This document is in full compliance with TRD1. The HIL in this document also adheres to the rules in the HIL Design Guide, which requires all callbacks to be asynchronous -- even if they could be synchronous.

1 Introduction

A hash function takes a potentially large input and transforms it into a fixed-length value. Hash functions have many uses and so there are many types of hash functions with different properties (computational speed, memory requirements, output distributions). A digest is the output of a hash function. Generally, hash functions seek to produce digest values that are uniformly distributed over their space of possible values, "hashing" the input and mixing it up such that the distance between the digests from two similar input values seem randomly distributed.

Cryptographic hash functions are a class of hash functions which have two properties that make them useful for checking the integrity of data. First, they have collision resistance: it is difficult to find two messages, m1 and m2, such that hash(m1) = hash(m2). Second, they have pre-image resistance, such that given a digest d, it is difficult to find a message m such that hash(m) = d. SHA256 and SHA3 are example cryptographic hash functions that are commonly used today and believed to provide both collision resistance and pre-image resistance.Boneh and Shoup.

Message authentication codes (MACs) are a method for providing integrity when both the generator and checker share a secret. MACs are a distinct integrity mechanism than digests. They provide both integrity and authenticity that the message came from a certain sender (who holds the secret). Some MACs, such as HMAC, are built on top of hash functions.

This document describes Tock's traits and their semantics for computing digests in the Tock operating system. These traits can also be used for generating HMACs.

2 Adding Data to a Digest: DigestData and ClientData

A client adds data to a hash function's input with the DigestData trait and receives callbacks with the ClientData trait.

These traits support both mutable and immutable data. Most HIL traits in Tock support only mutable data, because it is assumed the data is in RAM and passing it without the mut qualifier in a split-phase operation can discard its mutability (see Rule 5 in TRD2). Digest supports immutable data because many services need to compute digests over large, read-only data in flash. One example of this is the kernel's process loader, which needs to check that process images are not corrupted. Because digests are computationally inexpensive, copying the data from flash to RAM in order to compute a digest is a large overhead. Furthermore, the data input can be large (tens or hundreds of kilobytes). Therefore DigestData and ClientData support both mutable and immutable inputs.

Clients provide input to DigestData through the SubSlice and SubSliceMut types. These allow a client to ask a digest engine to compute a digest over a subset of their data, e.g. to exclude the area where the digest that will be compared against is stored. These types have a source slice and maintain an active range over that slice. The digest will be computed only over the active range, rather than the entire slice.

fn main() {
pub trait DigestData<'a, const L: usize> {
    fn set_data_client(&'a self, client: &'a dyn ClientData<'a, L>);
    fn add_data(&self, data: SubSlice<'static, u8>) 
       -> Result<(), (ErrorCode, SubSlice<'static, u8>)>;
    fn add_mut_data(&self, data: SubSliceMut<'static, u8>)
       -> Result<(), (ErrorCode, SubSliceMut<'static, u8>)>;
    fn clear_data(&self);

A successful call to add_data or add_mut_data will add all of the data in the active range of the leasable buffer as input to the hash function. A successful call is one which returns Ok(()) and whose completion event passes Ok(()). If a client needs to compute a hash over several non-contiguous regions of a slice, or multiple slices, it can call these methods multiple times.

There may only be one outstanding add_data or add_mut_data operation at any time. If either add_data or add_mut_data returns Ok(()), then all subsequent calls to add_data or add_mut_data MUST return Err((ErrorCode::BUSY, ...)) until a completion callback delivered through ClientData.

fn main() {
pub trait ClientData<'a, const L: usize> {
    fn add_data_done(&'a self, result: Result<(), ErrorCode>, data: SubSlice<'static, u8>);
    fn add_mut_data_done(
        &'a self,
        result: Result<(), ErrorCode>,
        data: SubSliceMut<'static, u8>,

The data parameters of add_data_done and add_mut_data_done indicate what data was added and what remains to be added to the digest. If either callback has a result value of Ok(()), then the active region of data MUST be zero length and all of the data in the active region passed through the corresponding call MUST have been added to the digest.

A call to DigestData::clear_data() terminates the current digest computation and clears out all internal state to start a new one. If there is an outstanding add_data or add_data_mut when clear_data() is called, the digest engine MUST issue a corresponding callback with an Err(ErrorCode::CANCEL).

A digest engine MUST accept multiple calls to add_data and add_mut_data. Each call appends to the data over which the digest is computed.

3 Computing and Verification: DigestHash, DigestVerify, ClientHash, and ClientVerify

Once all of the data has been added as the input to a digest, a client can either compute the digest or ask the digest engine to compare its computed digest with a known value (verify). These traits have a generic parameter L which defines the length of the digest in bytes. A SHA256 digest engine, for example, has an L of 32.

fn main() {
pub trait DigestHash<'a, const L: usize> {
    fn set_hash_client(&'a self, client: &'a dyn ClientHash<'a, L>);
    fn run(&'a self, digest: &'static mut [u8; L])
        -> Result<(), (ErrorCode, &'static mut [u8; L])>;

pub trait ClientHash<'a, const L: usize> {
    fn hash_done(&'a self, result: Result<(), ErrorCode>, digest: &'static mut [u8; L]);

pub trait DigestVerify<'a, const L: usize> {
    fn set_verify_client(&'a self, client: &'a dyn ClientVerify<'a, L>);
    fn verify(&'a self, compare: &'static mut [u8; L])
	    -> Result<(), (ErrorCode, &'static mut [u8; L])>;

pub trait ClientVerify<'a, const L: usize> {
    fn verification_done(&'a self, result: Result<bool, ErrorCode>, compare: &'static mut [u8; L]);

Calls to DigestHash::run and DigestHash::verify perform the hash function on all of the data that has been added with calls to add_data and add_data_mut. If there is an outstanding call to add_data, add_data_mut, run, or verify they MUST return Err(ErrorCode::BUSY).

The ClientHash::hash_done callback returns the computed digest stored in the digest slice. If the result argument is Err((...)), the digest slice may store any values. If the result argument is Ok(()) the digest slice MUST store the computed digest.

The DigestVerity:verify takes an existing digest as its compare parameter. It triggers the digest engine to compute the digest, then compares the computed value with what was passed in compare. If the computed and provided values match, then ClientVerify passes Ok(true); if they do not match then it passes Ok(false). An Err result indicates that there was an error in computing the digest.

Calling either DigestHash::run or DigestVerify::verify completes the digest calculation, returning the digest engine to an idle state for the next computation.

4 Composite Traits

The Digest HIL provides many composite traits, so that structures which implement multiple traits can be passed around as a single reference. The ClientDataHash trait is for a client that implements both ClientData and ClientHash. The ClientDataVerify trait is for a client that implements both ClientData and ClientVerify. The Client trait is for a client that implements ClientData, ClientHash, and ClientVerify.

fn main() {
pub trait ClientDataHash<'a, const L: usize>: ClientData<'a, L> + ClientHash<'a, L> {}
pub trait ClientDataVerify<'a, const L: usize>: ClientData<'a, L> + ClientVerify<'a, L> {}
pub trait Client<'a, const L: usize>:
    ClientData<'a, L> + ClientHash<'a, L> + ClientVerify<'a, L> {}

The DigestDataHash trait is for a structure that implements both DigestData and DataHash. The DigestDataVerify trait is for a client that implements both DigestData and DigestVerify. The Digest trait is for a client that implements DigestData, DigestHash, and DigestVerify. These each add an additional method, set_client, which allows it to store the corresponding client as a single reference and use it for all of the relevant client callbacks (e.g., add_data, add_mut_data, hash_done, and verification_done). A digest implementation that implements set_client MAY choose to not implement the individual client set methods for the different traits (e.g., DigestData::set_client); if it does so, each of these client set methods MUST be marked unimplemented!().

fn main() {
pub trait DigestDataHash<'a, const L: usize>: DigestData<'a, L> + DigestHash<'a, L> {
    /// Set the client instance which will receive `hash_done()` and
    /// `add_data_done()` callbacks.
    fn set_client(&'a self, client: &'a dyn ClientDataHash<L>);

pub trait DigestDataVerify<'a, const L: usize>: DigestData<'a, L> + DigestVerify<'a, L> {
    /// Set the client instance which will receive `verify_done()` and
    /// `add_data_done()` callbacks.
    fn set_client(&'a self, client: &'a dyn ClientDataVerify<L>);

pub trait Digest<'a, const L: usize>:
    DigestData<'a, L> + DigestHash<'a, L> + DigestVerify<'a, L>
    /// Set the client instance which will receive `hash_done()`,
    /// `add_data_done()` and `verification_done()` callbacks.
    fn set_client(&'a self, client: &'a dyn Client<'a, L>);

5 Configuration

Digest engines can often operate in multiple modes, supporting several different hash algorithms and digest sizes. Configuring a digest engine occurs out-of-band from adding data and computing digests, through separate traits. Each digest algorithm is described by a separate trait. This allows compile-time checking that a given digest engine supports the required algorithm. For example, a digest engine that can compute a SHA512 digest implements the Sha512 trait:

fn main() {
pub trait Sha512 {
    /// Call before Digest::run() to perform Sha512
    fn set_mode_sha512(&self) -> Result<(), ErrorCode>;

The Digest HIL defines seven standard Digest traits:

  • Sha224
  • Sha256
  • Sha384
  • Sha512
  • HmacSha256
  • HmacSha384
  • HmacSha512

The HMAC configuration methods take a secret key, which is used in the HMAC algorithm. For example,

fn main() {
pub trait HmacSha384 {
    /// Call before `Digest::run()` to perform HMACSha384
    /// The key used for the HMAC is passed to this function.
    fn set_mode_hmacsha384(&self, key: &[u8]) -> Result<(), ErrorCode>;

Configuration methods MUST be called before the first call to add_data or add_data_mut.

6 Capsules

There are 5 standard Tock capsules for digests:

  1. capsules::hmac provides a system call interface to a digest engine that supports Digest, HmacSha256, HmacSha384, and HmacSha512.
  2. capsules::sha provides a system call interface to a digest engine that supports Digest, Sha256, Sha384, and Sha512.
  3. capsules::virtual_hmac virtualizes an HMAC engine, allowing multiple clients to share it through queueing. It requires a digest engine that supports Digest, HmacSha256, HmacSha384, and HmacSha512.
  4. capsules::virtual_sha virtualizes a SHA engine, allowing multiple clients to share it through queueing. It requires a digest engine that supports Digest, Sha256, Sha384, and Sha512.
  5. capsules::virtual_digest virtualizes a SHA/HMAC engine, allowing multiple clients to share it through queueing. It requires a digest engine that supports Digest, HmacSha256, HmacSha384, and HmacSha512, Sha256, Sha384, and Sha512 and supports all of these operations.

6 Authors' Address

Alistair Francis

Philip Levis
409 Gates Hall
Stanford University
Stanford, CA 94305