Implementing an in-kernel Virtualization Layer

This guide provides an overview and walkthrough on how to add an in-kernel virtualization layer, such that a given hardware interface can be used simultaneously by multiple kernel capsules, or used simultaneously by a single kernel capsule and userspace. Ideally, virtual interfaces will be available for all hardware interfaces in Tock. Some example interfaces which have already been virtualized include Alarm, SPI, Flash, UART, I2C, ADC, and others.

In this guide we will use a running example of virtualizing a single hardware SPI peripheral and bus for use as a SPI Master.


This guide assumes you already have existing kernel code that needs to be virtualized. There should be an existing HIL for the resource you are virtualizing.

We will assume there is a trait SpiMaster {...} already defined and implemented that includes all of the logic needed to interface with the underlying SPI. We also assume there is a trait SpiMasterClient that determines the interface a client of the SPI exposes to the underlying resource. In most cases, equivalent traits will represent a necessary precursor to virtualization.


The high-level steps required are:

  1. Create a capsule file for your virtualizer
  2. Determine what portions of this interface should be virtualized.
  3. Create a MuxXXX struct, which will serve as the lone client of the underlying resource.
  4. Create a VirtualXXXDevice which will implement the underlying HIL trait, allowing for the appearance of multiple of the lone resource.
  5. Implement the logic for queuing requests from capsules.
  6. Implement the logic for dispatching callbacks from the underlying resource to the appropriate client.
  7. Document the interface.
  8. (Optional) Write tests for the virtualization logic.

Step-by-Step Guide

The steps from the overview are elaborated on here.

  1. Create a capsule file for your virtualizer

    This step is easy. Navigate to the capsules/src/ directory and create a new file named virtual_xxx, where xxx is the name of the underlying resource being virtualized. All of the code you will write while following this guide belongs in that file. Additionally, open capsules/src/ and add pub mod virtual_xxx; to the list of modules.

  2. Determine what portions of this interface should be virtualized

    Generally, this step requires looking at the HIL being virtualized, and determining what portions of the HIL require additional logic to handle multiple concurrent clients. Lets take a look at the SPIMaster HIL:

    fn main() {
    pub trait SpiMaster {
        fn set_client(&self, client: &'static dyn SpiMasterClient);
        fn init(&self);
        fn is_busy(&self) -> bool;
        /// Perform an asynchronous read/write operation, whose
        /// completion is signaled by invoking SpiMasterClient on
        /// the initialized client.
        fn read_write_bytes(
            write_buffer: &'static mut [u8],
            read_buffer: Option<&'static mut [u8]>,
            len: usize,
        ) -> ReturnCode;
        fn write_byte(&self, val: u8);
        fn read_byte(&self) -> u8;
        fn read_write_byte(&self, val: u8) -> u8;
        /// Tell the SPI peripheral what to use as a chip select pin.
        fn specify_chip_select(&self, cs: Self::ChipSelect);
        /// Returns the actual rate set
        fn set_rate(&self, rate: u32) -> u32;
        fn get_rate(&self) -> u32;
        fn set_clock(&self, polarity: ClockPolarity);
        fn get_clock(&self) -> ClockPolarity;
        fn set_phase(&self, phase: ClockPhase);
        fn get_phase(&self) -> ClockPhase;
        // These two functions determine what happens to the chip
        // select line between transfers. If hold_low() is called,
        // then the chip select line is held low after transfers
        // complete. If release_low() is called, then the chip select
        // line is brought high after a transfer completes. A "transfer"
        // is any of the read/read_write calls. These functions
        // allow an application to manually control when the
        // CS line is high or low, such that it can issue multi-byte
        // requests with single byte operations.
        fn hold_low(&self);
        fn release_low(&self);

    For some of these functions, it is clear that no virtualization is required. For example, get_rate(), get_phase() and get_polarity() simply request information on the current configuration of the underlying hardware. Implementations of these can simply pass the call straight through the mux.

    Some other functions are not appropriate to expose to virtual clients at all. For example, hold_low(), release_low(), and specify_chip_select() are not suitable for use when the underlying bus is shared. init() does not make sense when it is unclear which client should call it. The mux should queue operations, so clients should not need access to is_busy().

    For other functions, it is clear that virtualization is necessary. For example, it is clear that if multiple clients are using the Mux, they cannot all be allowed set the rate of the underlying hardware at arbitrary times, as doing so could break an ongoing operation initiated by an underlying client. However, it is important to expose this functionality to clients. Thus set_rate(), set_clock() and set_phase() need to be virtualized, and provided to virtual clients. set_client() needs to be adapted to support multiple simultaneous clients.

    Finally, virtual clients need a way to send and receive on the bus. Single byte writes and reads are typically only used under the assumption that a single client is going to make multiple single byte reads/writes consecutively, and thus are inappropriate to virtualize. Instead, the virtual interface should only include read_write_bytes(), as that encapsulates the entire transaction that would be desired by a virtual client.

    Given that not all parts of the original HIL trait (SpiMaster) are appropriate for virtualization, we should create a new trait in the SPI HIL that will represent the interface provided to clients of the Virtual SPI:

    fn main() {
    //! kernel/src/hil/
    /// SPIMasterDevice provides a chip-specific interface to the SPI Master
    /// hardware. The interface wraps the chip select line so that chip drivers
    /// cannot communicate with different SPI devices.
    pub trait SpiMasterDevice {
        /// Perform an asynchronous read/write operation, whose
        /// completion is signaled by invoking SpiMasterClient.read_write_done on
        /// the provided client.
        fn read_write_bytes(
            write_buffer: &'static mut [u8],
            read_buffer: Option<&'static mut [u8]>,
            len: usize,
        ) -> ReturnCode;
        /// Helper function to set polarity, clock phase, and rate all at once.
        fn configure(&self, cpol: ClockPolarity, cpal: ClockPhase, rate: u32);
        fn set_polarity(&self, cpol: ClockPolarity);
        fn set_phase(&self, cpal: ClockPhase);
        fn set_rate(&self, rate: u32);
        fn get_polarity(&self) -> ClockPolarity;
        fn get_phase(&self) -> ClockPhase;
        fn get_rate(&self) -> u32;

    Not all virtualizers will require a new trait to provide virtualization! For example, VirtualMuxDigest exposes the same Digest HIL as the underlying hardware. Same for VirtualAlarm, VirtualUart, and MuxFlash. VirtualI2C does use a different trait, similarly to SPI, and VirtualADC introduces an AdcChannel trait to enable virtualization that is not possible with the ADC interface implemented by hardware.

    There is no fixed algorithm for deciding exactly how to virtualize a given interface, and doing so will require thinking carefully about the requirements of the clients and nature of the underlying resource. Tock's threat model describes several requirements for virtualizers in its virtualization section.

    Note: You should read these requirements!! They discuss things like the confidentiality and fairness requirements for virtualizers.

    Beyond the threat model, you should think carefully about how virtual clients will use the interface, the overhead (in cycles / code size / RAM use) of different approaches, and how the interface will work in the face of multiple concurrent requests. It is also important to consider the potential for two layers of virtualization, when one of the clients of the virtualization capsule is a userspace driver that will also be virtualizing that same resource. In some cases (see: UDP port reservations) special casing the userspace driver may be valuable.

    Frequently the best approach will involve looking for an already virtualized resource that is qualitatively similar to the resource you are working with, and using its virtualization as a template.

  3. Create a MuxXXX struct, which will serve as the lone client of the underlying resource.

    In order to virtualize a hardware resource, we need to create some object that has a reference to the underlying hardware resource and that will hold the multiple "virtual" devices which clients will interact with. For the SPI interface, we call this struct MuxSpiMaster:

    fn main() {
    /// The Mux struct manages multiple Spi clients. Each client may have
    /// at most one outstanding Spi request.
    pub struct MuxSpiMaster<'a, Spi: hil::spi::SpiMaster> {
        // The underlying resource being virtualized
        spi: &'a Spi,
        // A list of virtual devices which clients will interact with.
        // (See next step for details)
        devices: List<'a, VirtualSpiMasterDevice<'a, Spi>>,
        // Additional data storage needed to implement virtualization logic
        inflight: OptionalCell<&'a VirtualSpiMasterDevice<'a, Spi>>,

    Here we use Tock's built-in List type, which is a LinkedList of statically allocated structures that implement a given trait. This type is required because Tock does not allow heap allocation in the Kernel.

    Typically, this struct will implement some number of private helper functions used as part of virtualization, and provide a public constructor. For now we will just implement the constructor:

    fn main() {
    impl<'a, Spi: hil::spi::SpiMaster> MuxSpiMaster<'a, Spi> {
        pub const fn new(spi: &'a Spi) -> MuxSpiMaster<'a, Spi> {
            MuxSpiMaster {
                spi: spi,
                devices: List::new(),
                inflight: OptionalCell::empty(),
        // TODO: Implement virtualization logic helper functions
  4. Create a VirtualXXXDevice which will implement the underlying HIL trait

    In the previous step you probably noticed the list of virtual devices referencing a VirtualSpiMasterDevice, which we had not created yet. We will define and implement that struct here. In practice, both must be defined simultaneously because each type references the other. The VirtualSpiMasterDevice should have a reference to the mux, a ListLink field (required so that lists of VirtualSpiMasterDevices can be constructed), and other fields for data that needs to be stored for each client of the virtualizer.

    fn main() {
    pub struct VirtualSpiMasterDevice<'a, Spi: hil::spi::SpiMaster> {
        //reference to the mux
        mux: &'a MuxSpiMaster<'a, Spi>,
        // Pointer to next element in the list of devices
        next: ListLink<'a, VirtualSpiMasterDevice<'a, Spi>>,
        // Per client data that must be stored across calls
        chip_select: Cell<Spi::ChipSelect>,
        txbuffer: TakeCell<'static, [u8]>,
        rxbuffer: TakeCell<'static, [u8]>,
        operation: Cell<Op>,
        client: OptionalCell<&'a dyn hil::spi::SpiMasterClient>,
    impl<'a, Spi: hil::spi::SpiMaster> VirtualSpiMasterDevice<'a, Spi> {
        pub const fn new(
            mux: &'a MuxSpiMaster<'a, Spi>,
            chip_select: Spi::ChipSelect,
        ) -> VirtualSpiMasterDevice<'a, Spi> {
            VirtualSpiMasterDevice {
                mux: mux,
                chip_select: Cell::new(chip_select),
                txbuffer: TakeCell::empty(),
                rxbuffer: TakeCell::empty(),
                operation: Cell::new(Op::Idle),
                next: ListLink::empty(),
                client: OptionalCell::empty(),
        // Most virtualizers will use a set_client method that looks exactly like this
        pub fn set_client(&'a self, client: &'a dyn hil::spi::SpiMasterClient) {

    This is the struct that will implement whatever HIL trait we decided on in step 1. In our case, this is the SpiMasterDevice trait:

    fn main() {
    // Given that there are multiple types of operations we might need to queue,
    // create an enum that can represent each operation and the data that operation
    // needs to store.
    #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
    enum Op {
        Configure(hil::spi::ClockPolarity, hil::spi::ClockPhase, u32),
    impl<Spi: hil::spi::SpiMaster> hil::spi::SpiMasterDevice for VirtualSpiMasterDevice<'_, Spi> {
        fn configure(&self, cpol: hil::spi::ClockPolarity, cpal: hil::spi::ClockPhase, rate: u32) {
            self.operation.set(Op::Configure(cpol, cpal, rate));
        fn read_write_bytes(
            write_buffer: &'static mut [u8],
            read_buffer: Option<&'static mut [u8]>,
            len: usize,
        ) -> ReturnCode {
        fn set_polarity(&self, cpol: hil::spi::ClockPolarity) {
        fn set_phase(&self, cpal: hil::spi::ClockPhase) {
        fn set_rate(&self, rate: u32) {
        fn get_polarity(&self) -> hil::spi::ClockPolarity {
        fn get_phase(&self) -> hil::spi::ClockPhase {
        fn get_rate(&self) -> u32 {

    Now we can begin to see the virtualization logic. Each get_x() method just forwards calls directly to the underlying hardware driver, as these operations are synchronous and non-blocking. But the set() calls and the read/write calls are queued as operations. Each client can have only a single outstanding operation (a common requirement for virtualizers in Tock given the lack of dynamic allocation). These operations are "queued" by each client simply setting the operation field of its VirtualSpiMasterDevice to whatever operation it would like to perform next. The Mux can iterate through the list of devices to choose a pending operation. Clients learn about the completion of operations via callbacks, informing them that they can begin new operations.

  5. Implement the logic for queuing requests from capsules.

    So far, we have sketched out a skelton for how we will queue requests from capsules, but not yet implemented the do_next_op() function that will handle the order in which operations are performed, or how operations are translated into calls by the actual hardware driver.

    We know that all operations in Tock are asynchronous, so it is always possible that the underlying hardware device is busy when do_next_op() is called -- accordingly, we need some mechanism for tracking if the underlying device is currently busy. We also need to restore the state expected by the device performing a given operaion (e.g. the chip select pin in use). Beyond that, we just forward calls to the hardware driver:

    fn main() {
    fn do_next_op(&self) {
        if self.inflight.is_none() {
            let mnode = self
                .find(|node| node.operation.get() != Op::Idle);
  |node| {
                let op = node.operation.get();
                // Need to set idle here in case callback changes state
                match op {
                    Op::Configure(cpol, cpal, rate) => {
                        // The `chip_select` type will be correct based on
                        // what implemented `SpiMaster`.
                    Op::ReadWriteBytes(len) => {
                        // Only async operations want to block by setting
                        // the devices as inflight.
                        node.txbuffer.take().map(|txbuffer| {
                            let rxbuffer = node.rxbuffer.take();
                            self.spi.read_write_bytes(txbuffer, rxbuffer, len);
                    Op::SetPolarity(pol) => {
                    Op::SetPhase(pal) => {
                    Op::SetRate(rate) => {
                    Op::Idle => {} // Can't get here...

    Notably, the SPI driver does not implement any fairness schemes, despite the requirements of the threat model. As of this writing, the threat model is still aspirational, and not followed for all virtualizers. Eventually, this driver should be updated to use round robin queueing of clients, rather than always giving priority to whichever client was added to the List first.

  6. Implement the logic for dispatching callbacks from the underlying resource to the appropriate client.

    We are getting close! At this point, we have a mechanism for adding clients to the virtualizer, and for queueing and making calls. However, we have not yet addressed how to handle callbacks from the underlying resource (usually used to forward interrupts up to the appropriate client). Additionally, our queueing logic is still incomplete, as we have not yet seen when subsequent operations are triggered if an operation is requested while the underlying device is in use.

    Handling callbacks in virtualizers requires two layers of handling. First, the MuxXXX device must implement the appropriate XXXClient trait such that it can subscribe to callbacks from the underlying resource, and dispatch them to the appropriate VirtualXXXDevice:

    fn main() {
    impl<Spi: hil::spi::SpiMaster> hil::spi::SpiMasterClient for MuxSpiMaster<'_, Spi> {
        fn read_write_done(
            write_buffer: &'static mut [u8],
            read_buffer: Option<&'static mut [u8]>,
            len: usize,
        ) {
            self.inflight.take().map(move |device| {
                device.read_write_done(write_buffer, read_buffer, len);

    This takes advantage of the fact that we stored a reference to device that initiated the inflight operation, so we can dispatch the callback directly to that device. One thing to note is that the call to take() sets inflight to None, and then the callback calls do_next_op(), triggering any still queued operations. This ensures that all queued operations will take place. This all requires that the device also has implemented the callback:

    fn main() {
    impl<Spi: hil::spi::SpiMaster> hil::spi::SpiMasterClient for VirtualSpiMasterDevice<'_, Spi> {
    fn read_write_done(
        write_buffer: &'static mut [u8],
        read_buffer: Option<&'static mut [u8]>,
        len: usize,
    ) { |client| {
            client.read_write_done(write_buffer, read_buffer, len);

    Finally, we have dispatched the callback all the way up to the client of the virtualizer, completing the round trip process.

  7. Document the interface.

    Finally, you need to document the interface. Do so by placing a comment at the top of the file describing what the file does:

    fn main() {
    //! Virtualize a SPI master bus to enable multiple users of the SPI bus.

    and add doc comments (/// doc comment example) to any new traits created in kernel/src/hil.

  8. (Optional) Write tests for the virtualization logic.

    Some virtualizers provide additional stress tests of virtualization logic, which can be run on hardware to perform correct operation in edge cases. For examples of such tests, look at capsules/src/test/ or capsules/src/test/


Congratulations! You have virtualized a resource in the Tock kernel! We encourage you to submit a pull request to upstream this to the Tock repository.